What do agriculture, the electric light bulb, and concrete have in common?

They are examples of how advances in technology increase our opportunity to accomplish more in a 24-hour period.

Advances in agriculture: We no longer spend our entire day hunting and foraging for food.

Perfecting the electric light bulb: Productivity is no longer limited by the sun.

Creation of Concrete: Travel, by foot and vehicle, is exponentially faster for people and products.

The connection between technology and efficiency is undeniable. One feeds and inspires the other, pushing businesses toward a better product and more streamlined services than ever before. But as Sean Gerety said, “The technology you use impresses no one. The experience you create with it is everything.”

People don’t fall in love with new technology simply because it’s new. People fall in love with new technology because of the way it changes their world. Vehicles. Phones. Amazon. The list of technological advances that allow people to lead more efficient lives goes on-and-on.

When Henry Ford installed the first moving assembly line, reducing the time to build a car from over 12 hours to 2.5 hours, the world of business was forever changed. But ask yourself: Was the first moving assembly line such a celebrated and phenomenal time in history because people were impressed with how quick a car was built or because people loved that building cars more efficiently resulted in more affordable cars, which in turn allowed people and products to travel more freely and farther than ever before?

At the end of the day, when a company pursues technological advances that improve their efficiency they’re investing in their current and future clients. They are telling their clients that they want to improve their experience with the company’s products and services. They are telling their clients that they are worth the investment, both timewise and financially. They are telling their clients that their relationship with them matters.

If time is money, as it’s often said, then efficiency is freedom. Pursue efficiency, and you pursue opportunities to free up someone’s time and in many cases, someone’s finances. Pursue efficiency, and you pursue opportunities that forever heighten your clients’ experience.

Author: Evelyn Lindell